Title: Blood in the Stars
Author: Jennifer Shea
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Release Date: August 7, 2013
Format: eBook
Author: Jennifer Shea
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Release Date: August 7, 2013
Format: eBook
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Soul Mate Publishing
Back Cover Blurb:
After Daria Mathew’s handsome blind date rescues her from a fire, she realizes she doesn’t want to die without ever finding love. When monsters come for her life, her date turned protector reveals her flesh and blood can grant untold powers. Warm and caring, he saves her countless times and wins her heart. But his motivations are shrouded in a dark past and Daria must fight for his love and for her life.
Jason Angel’s failure to kill led to the death of the last woman he protected and loved. He vows to keep Daria safe no matter the price. As they grow closer, he fears he will repeat his past mistakes and fail to protect her. He is faced with a hard choice―embrace the dark powers of his family to protect Daria, or keep his hands clean and have a chance to claim her love.
But Jason’s family is hiding a horrifying secret about Daria’s powers, one they will do anything to keep safe. For this secret will not only change the balance of power in the realm but also destroy their chances to be together.
Interview with Jennifer Shea
Jen, thanks for taking the time interview with me and telling us about your debut novel! Let's start with the basics:
What country or state do you live in?
Northern California with all the tech geeks
What’s your day job (other than writing)?
I work in high tech. It takes me to the others sides of the ocean at many times a year.
What’s your secret passion?
If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now would it? :P
Come on spill your secrets! No? Okay, well then, let's move on to the interview!
Was there one book that inspired you to write? What book was it and who is the author? What made it stick with you?
There’s never been that one book so much as all books. Books are like my friends and I loathe giving anyway. I’ve been creating stories in my head for as long as I can remember and have written then down for almost as long. I will say that I fell in love with historical romances with Judith McNaught and Jude Devereaux. They still grace my bookshelves.
What’s the best and worst part of being an author?
Best? The creation process. Watching the world and character unveil at your fingertips. The worst is probably when they don’t do what you want them to do. (laughs) Non-writers always give me an askance look when I say that, but writers know that the characters are never as obedient as you think. You’re playing “God” but they really do have a mind of their own. Sometimes I end up writing myself into a corner and just don’t have to hit the magical “delete” button. And maybe a close second “worst” is when I finish the book and am sad that the journey with them has ended.
What are your pet peeves?
Misspellings and bad grammar in writing.
Did you publish the first book you wrote? If not, how many books did you write before publishing your first?
Honestly, I’ve lost count. Hang on, let me count on my fingers. Um…I finished my first romance novel in college (I wrote others before that) and now I’m on number 8? 9? Then there are the half-finished ones, which would probably bring me to a dozen or so. Now that the market has changed and the industry is so fragmented, I am thinking about some of my older novels for publication. It’s a “brave new world” out there and authors and readers have more choices open to them than ten years ago. I’m not opposed to self-publishing given the right story and editing.
What one piece of advice would you give an aspiring writer?
We’ve all had days where we’ve received rejections, a bad review, or even hate mail. You just can’t let it get you down to the point where you can’t write. If you’re a writer, you know there’s no glamour, there’s no fame, and there’s no money (for the vast majority of us) – we write because we love it, because we don’t know how NOT to write. Remember why you love to write, why it’s as important as breathing to your existence, and then those bad days won’t matter so much in the grand scheme of your life.
Give us a hint about your current writing project.
I have so many projects that I keep telling myself I will get back to or finish. The main focus is to wrap up the second book in this series. It features Miller and Candy from the first book. They are so much fun to work with because the sexual tension flies off the page. I also have a contemporary romance that has zero magical elements, but 100% pains of real life. Sigh. I don’t have enough fingers and hours in a day to write all of my books. Lastly, I’m working on editing a few of my historical romances. Historicals have a special place in my heart and I vow I will return to them one day.
Again, thanks for being here today, and I wish you good luck with your debut novel, BLOOD IN THE STARS, and with all your upcoming projects.
About Jennifer Shea
Jennifer Shea has been spinning stories in her head for ages. When she was a child, she didn't know how to write, so she'd have her family write down the stories she dictated while Jennifer drew in the pictures. For some strange reason, all of her stories had to have a happy ending. It wasn't until she discovered romances as a teenager did she discover why. She was a romance reader and novelist at heart.
Jennifer joined RWA in 2001 after completing her first historical romance novel. She loves a great historical romance and plans to go back and write them again one day. For now, she is busy writing paranormal romances and urban fantasies with strong romantic elements. When she isn't writing, she's working on her website, blogging, reading, and daydreaming about her next great hero and heroine. She lives in Northern California and her day job keeps her busy traveling the world.
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