Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Snippet: Lucas and Tara Get Closer

This is the 2nd scene where Lucas and Tara are together and he realizes he wants her in his life. Enjoy!

The door clicked open and Tara returned to my side.

“Hey, thanks for patching me up.” My smile evolved into a pained grimace.

Tara patted my shoulder, her warm fingertips lingering before she handed me a glass of orange juice and cookies wrapped in a napkin. “No problem.” She piled the scattered medical supplies neatly on the coffee table.

I finagled myself into an upright position and downed half the juice. “You saved my life.”

She sat on the edge of the couch, rolled her eyes. “Anyone could have done it.” Her skin turned that edible shade of cotton candy again.

“Riiight. Not those posers.”

Her hand alighted on my arm. Electricity arced between us. Club Tara calling. Her blush deepened. Then as if her internal light flipped on, she leaned against my side and mocked sternly, “Now, Lucas Alexander, tell me what really happened tonight.”

“You sound like my mother.” I groaned, dropped my head back on the couch arm. I probably turned as green as the vines snaking across the golden velour couch.

“I’m not, am I?” Her fingers trailed over the back of my hand ever so softly.

I hadn’t planned to tell anyone else about my new “gang” or my reasons for vengeance, but when her expectant blue eyes reached into my soul, I confessed it all to Tara. Something about her drew me in like rain in the desert, kept my good hand touching her arm, and compelled me to open up in a way I hadn’t ever opened to a virtual stranger.
If you haven't entered my Goodreads giveaway to win one of three signed ARCs of Vigilante Nights you have until June 3 to do so. What you are waiting for?

Also, if you've pre-ordered a copy, be sure to send me your purchase details so I can send you a swag pack. If you haven't pre-ordered, you still have until July 17 to get in on this great deal! More details.

As I approach Vigilante Night's release date and afterwards, keep an eye on the happenings. I have fun and giveaways in store!