Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chasing Shadows - Availability Expands!

In addition to the Kindle format, CHASING SHADOWS is now available in digital format at Barnes & Noble (Nook), Sony Reader Store (Sony Reader), and Kobo Store (Kobo eReader). It's not necessary to own one of these devices to download their books. Like the Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader and Kobo eReader all offer FREE software for reading on the iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, Windows PC & Mac.

For those who don't know, CHASING SHADOWS was published by Cerridwen Press, the mainstream romance imprint of Ellora's Cave. In January 2011, Cerridwen Press was consolidated under its parent company and is now the "Blush" imprint of EC. The romantic scenes in CHASING SHADOWS are suggestive only and not graphic, and CHASING SHADOWS is NOT considered erotic romance (which is the main focus of Ellora's Cave). The cover art has changed to reflect the new Blush imprint logo.