Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Agent News - 12/21/10

**New Agent** Katie Shea has joined the Caren Johnson Literary Agency, focusing on literary fiction, commercial fiction, with a strong and sassy voice, heartfelt memoirs, narrative nonfiction, diet, and health & wellness. She was a reader at FinePrint Literary Management and an assistant at Folio Literary Management and Langtons International Agency. (Source: Publishers Marketplace)

**New Agent** Vickie Motter is now taking her own clients at the Andrea Hurst & Associates literary agency. She joined the agency in 2010 as an intern. Her blog covers all issues of publishing and advice to authors at navigatingtheslushpile.blogspot.com. She is seeking: YA contemporary & Adult fiction in the following areas: dystopian, steampunk, fantasy, dark fantasy, paranormal, cozy mysteries. She seeks new and previously published authors dedicated to continuously developing their craft and writing poignant nonfiction or marketable fiction. She loves all things weird, fantastical, morbid, and romantic. She has a special love of unique plots, dark themes, strong characters, an engaging voice, and witty humor. (Source: Guide to Literary Agents)

Deborah Grosvenor is re-establishing the Grosvenor Literary Agency, which she ran for 10 years prior to joining Kneerim & Williams where she's agented for the last three years. She will continue to acquire fiction and narrative nonfiction in the areas of politics, history, memoir, biography, the military, adventure, travel, and international issues. Her new website will be www.grosvenorlit.com. (Source: Publishers Weekly)

A member of the Absolute Write forums posted that agent Elizabeth Fisher of the Levine Greenberg Literary Agency received an email from Elizabeth that she was no longer agenting. Following up on this tip, her entry on QueryTracker.net indicates that she is now the Rights Manager at Levine Greenberg and is no longer working as an agent.