... the darkside of writing a brand spanking new book for the young adult market, that is!! Yes, it's a very popular age bracket to write for now, thanks to Twilight and others. However, I'm not trend chasing per se.
The very first book I wrote at 18 (trunked) was a young adult book. While I was writing Chasing Shadows and afterwards, I wanted to write a young adult book. I've had several YA ideas floundering in my head, ideas that were over 10+ years old. But I've been reading a lot of awesome YA books lately, studying them and the market, and BOOM. The new idea for my current WIP flowered. It's loosely based on the trunked novel I wrote at 18. The best and most challending thing about it, is that it's written from a 16 year-old boy's point of view. Now, I've written from a male POV before, i.e. Chasing Shadows and Demon Lust have a male POV in 3rd person, so I have some experience there.
Of course, since everything I write has a paranormal or fantasy slant, I had to add a paranormal element to it. That's just me! But it's one point of magic realism, not heavy paranormal or fantasy. It's absolutely refreshing to write contemporary again without the heavy influence of fantasy like my last 2 books. And I'm having a blast doing it! So cheer me on...